Monday, November 24, 2008

Marin Supervisors Approve Clean Energy Authority: Joins San Francisco CCA Movement

Despite objections from Pacific Gas and Electric Co., county supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to join with other Marin cities to form a joint powers authority, implement Community Choice with a goal of 50% renewable electricity by 2017 at prices that meet or beat PG&E's rates, and finance green power projects to physically reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the whole community in just a few years. Click on the image at right to read the Marin Independent Journal

The Agency adds Marin to a list of cities led by San Francisco to achieve energy independence and implement a major financing of local renewable energy resources to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions. Marin Clean Energy calls for the authority to compete with PG&E as the retailer of electricity to Marin customers, in order to boost usage of renewable energy in the county, and issue some $475M in revenue bonds to dramatically reduce its power carbon footprint and achieve major greenhouse gas reductions in a fairly short period of times.

Supervisors voted after listening to a plea from PG&E representatives to forgo formation of the authority and to partner with the shareholder-owned utility to reduce greenhouse gases. "Marin is about to issue $475M in revenue bonds without voter approval to finance local green power projects," said a PG&E spokesman who pleaded with the County to not approve the Community Choice agency," as if to warn against climate action itself.

Advocates for Marin Clean Energy have estimated a Marin energy authority would be able to provide electricity that is 25 percent renewable by 2010 at the same price that PG&E is charging. By comparison, PG&E has said it may be unable to boost its use of renewable energy to 20 percent by 2010, as required by a state law passed in 2002.


  1. Fieldstone Energy is prepared to help Marin County Supervisors deliver on their promise of clean affordable energy. We have three different approaches to producing power and each is benign in its application using the fundamental laws of physics to produce energy and purified water. Please contact Thad Jones if you would like to discuss further. He can be reached through our web page at

  2. I am very pleased to see Americans taking positive steps towards reducing our dependence on foreign oil as well as leaving a healthy planet behind for our children and grandchildren. I think that we all understand that our actions have to be sustainable. If not, this great planet will begin to breakdown beyond repair and we will have nothing to show of our legacy other than total destruction. Again, I think that the supervisors have taken a historic first step. Thank You!
